"We are
all born geniuses, but the process of living de-geniuses us." R. Buckminster Fuller
What can any one little individual do to help improve the future?
Futurist Buckminster Fuller believed that all of us--100% of humanity--are worthy of contributing to the future--that we are all born geniuses, but that the process of living, as we have designed it, de-geniuses us! Conceived in 2013 and inspired by Fuller's writings, design science and hope for the future, the Imaginarium concept was submitted for funding in the Buckminster Fuller Challenge (2013) and the Knight Foundation Library Challenge (2014). Since then, a website presence and community forums and classes have developed. We hope to pursue funding again in 2016. The Imaginarium is a community-based, citizen-focused initiative modeled for a future when citizens--people from multiple affiliations, mixed neighborhoods and varying capacities--reclaim their ability to: think for themselves, learn from each other and solve problems together. The Imaginarium is a social innovation incubator for ideas in all stages of development, from not-yet articulated to fully implemented projects or enterprises, bridging the gap between academically generated knowledge and civilian life. We do this in three ways: 1) open idea forums, 2) idea labs and 3) idea incubation. Imaginarium's co-founder, Amy Rubin, advocates for social change through citizen engagement and imagination-first strategies. Her consulting practice @whitepaperblue actively communicates developments in social innovation, entrepreneurship and social justice and her sustainable line of apparel, Polymath | MODified vintage, was developed through the Imaginarium and is currently in incubation stage. Visit her blog at www.neonsynthesist.blogspot.com. |